January 11, 2019
7:00 pm CST - 10:00 pm CST
Instructor: Mary Theis
Edward Whitmont claimed that modern society is turning away from the male concepts of power and aggressiveness and returning to feminine values, such as instinct, intuition and emotion. He published his work on the subject “Return of the Goddess” in 1982. Today, Jungains and others are talking about the return of the archetypal feminine. Sometimes it is difficult to see the signs of this return. How can we recognize that the goddess is present among us?
The movie “Chocolat” is a fairytale-like portrayal of the re-emergence of the archetypal feminine. Vianne, the “heroine,” demonstrates aspects of Aphrodite in her ability to stimulate creativity and self-realization in those around her. We can also see Artimus operating in Vianne’s strong character. In the end, it is Vianne’s daughter, Anouk, who saves her mother from being caught up in the restlessness of Aphrodite and helps to anchor her.
The late American film critic, Roger Ebert wrote: “The movie takes place once upon a time in a French village where utter tranquility, by which is meant stagnancy, has reigned since time immemorial, until a sly wind blew in from the north bringing with it Vianne, who opened the chocolate shop, after which nothing was ever again the same.”
After the movie we will talk about ways we might recognize/encourage the re-emergence of the goddess in ourselves and others.
Chocolate will be served!
About the Instructor
Mary Theis is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor. She is a volunteer therapist at The C. G. Jung Center and also serves on the Clinic Committee. She studied for a year at the Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland, and received her master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of Notre Dame. She has been actively involved in Jungian Psychology for more than 40 years.
Venue: The C.G. Jung Center
Venue Phone: 847-475-4848 *221
Venue Website: www.cgjungcenter.org