Held via Zoom
Heloisa Garman, PsyD
CEUs: 3
This workshop will explore a method of dream work based on the Internal Family Systems (IFS) developed by Richard Schwartz. This model has basic similarities to the Jungian approach and views the mind as made of multiple and often different subparts. Each subpart has a way of conceiving the world and can become extreme when feeling the need to protect the person from traumatic external circumstances.
Similar to Jung, this model sees the Self as different from the parts. When differentiated from the parts it can become the natural leader of the system due to its ability to become compassionate and non-judgmental towards all parts. Because the Self is the natural leader of the system, the goal of this model is to help the person differentiate the Self from the parts and regain its leadership status, while parts provide assistance and guidance.
In this workshop there will be an explanation of how this approach to dreamwork was developed with time allotted for questions and discussion. After the presentation, Dr. Garman will work with a dream brought in by a participant which will exemplify this model. If you would be willing to volunteer to work on your dream, please let us know after registration by emailing us at jung@cgjungcenter.org.
*Participants should bring a dream in written format to the workshop.
About the Instructor
Dr. Garman is a licensed clinical psychologist and has been in private practice for over thirty years. She was trained in family therapy at the Institute of Juvenile Research at the University of Illinois. She also received training in the Internal Family Systems (IFS) from the Center of Self Leadership and was previously affiliated with the Family Institute at Northwestern University. She has taught and supervised family therapy at two major universities in Brazil and worked with families of abused children and provided evaluations to the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). As a Brazilian American, she specialized in cross-cultural psychology.
Dr. Garman provides psychotherapy for individuals, couples and families, utilizing a variety of treatment modalities including IFS, dream-work, mindfulness and cognitive approaches. She has published articles and presented workshops on dreams in conferences at the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD).
Recommended Reading
Introduction to Internal Family Systems, Richard Schwartz
Inner Work, Robert A. Johnson
*Program CEUs are an additional $15 processing fee. The current CEU processing time is 2-3 weeks. Continue reading Dream Theater of our Inner World*